Be More Chill (Broadway)

Dear Cast and Creatives of Be More Chill,

I was fortunate enough to see your show last September off-Broadway.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and I blogged about it then (link below).  I felt the Broadway transfer might be a little rough listening to comments from others at the time.  When you opened uptown, some critics seemed to be not just negative in their opinion but mean-spirited in their written words.  I didn’t say “bitchy” but you make the call.

Three eighteen year old young adults were visiting last weekend so we decided to bring them to your show.  I am happy to reconfirm my previous assessment.  I would add that the production upgrades were substantial and satisfying.  Beowulf Boritt’s scenic design coupled with Alex Basco Koch’s arresting production design nicely riffed on the all-consuming technology of this generation.

Your entire cast did a fine job creating individual personas unlike much ensemble work for less well-directed musicals (including this past season).  The direction by Stephen Brackett and the choreography by Chase Brock were revelatory on second viewing.  In my mind, both did Tony nominated work and were significantly more accomplished than some of the nominees.  Fun was abundant in each and every scene.  The costume design by Bobby Frederick Tilley II was an avalanche of goofy delights perfectly suited to the storytelling.

I attend a lot of theater and don’t have a particular cup of tea.  If a creative team wants to tell a young adult story and heap some sci-fi nerdiness on, go for it.  If you tell the story well, that’s what I’ll see and report.  Be More Chill is a musical comedy with heart, edge, vim and vigor.  For supporters of the theater, this particular show has the added benefit of bringing in the next generation of audiences.

This blog (and my related monthly podcast) now has an archive of nearly 400 reviews.  Thankfully the internet enables voices other than the major media outlets to  express their opinions.  Readers can find those writers they can personally trust for their advice.  None of us will always agree for sure.  In fact, many of my friends were not fans of Be More Chill.  I still can’t quite fathom why, frankly.

As for our lead actor, Will Roland’s performance was simply terrific.  The part of Jeremy Heere required as much, if not more, emotional fireworks and nuanced comedic timing as any starring male lead on Broadway this season.  Furthermore, Joe Iconis’ and Joe Tracz’s zany show would have been in my top five Best Musical contenders this year without a doubt.

As you all head into your last weekend of performances, I’d like to thank you for an exceptionally fine evening in the theater last week.  Each of us had a grand time and the energy in the house was electric.  Isn’t that what makes live theater so invigorating?  Congratulations on your Broadway run.  I hope America is a bit more welcoming than New York on what I would expect should be an upcoming national tour.


Chilled and Smiling


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