Nutcracker Rouge (Company XIV)

Holiday entertainments come in many differently colored packages.  Some are very traditional and celebrate a White Christmas.  “Silver Bells” is A Christmas Carol.  Hanukkah is represented by blue and silver.  Red and green are standard and scream trees and Santa.  Rouge, however, suggests both a color and a rosy cheek.  If you are looking for an excess of sexiness in your holiday punch this year, try the Nutcracker Rouge. Depending on your tolerance for bare buttocks, this decadent vaudevillian delight might even make you blush.

Company XIV bills itself as the home of Baroque Burlesque.  I have previously seen their supremely entertaining stagings of the classic tale Ferdinand and the Alice in Wonderland themed Queen of Hearts.  This holiday entertainment fits seamlessly into this troupe’s aesthetic for showcasing eye-popping talent and visual splendor with wit and ceaseless joy.

In their atmospheric cabaret environment, grab a cocktail and allow the performers to seat you.  Take a look at the screen onstage.  On the right, a man and woman who may represent French royalty are expressing shock.  That is in reaction to the scene illustrated on the left.  A woman is caught performing the Can-Can with no underwear.  There is a naked man laying on the floor.  He is not alone.  The category is… Moulin Rouge.  The imagery is flagrant debauchery.

The endlessly performed Nutcracker is frequently represented in this show.  There are ballets and many sections where Tchaikovsky’s music is celebrated.  Austin McCormick and his company add tons of modern flourishes to its dance of the sugar plum fairy and other favorites.  The show opens with some magic tricks (Albert Cadabra) and a “Russian Lullaby.”  The range of performance variations is typically dazzling.  The fun quotient is extremely high.

Through the course of this three act extravaganza, you will learn that “absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.”  Even the intermission is provocative as a scantily clad woman teases her audience while sweeping confetti off the stage.  Candy and sweets are central to this show.  The powerhouse Cristina Raé belts out “I smell sex and candy” from Marcy Playground’s hit song.  The line “mama this surely is a dream” nicely sums up the mood generated.

In an evening of exquisitely conceived exotic and erotic musical numbers, there are high points.  Britney Spears’ “Toxic” accompanies Troy Lingelbach on the trapeze.  His body contortions are unbelievable and the breakneck speed of the skills he performs is incredible.  I was reminded of an airborne pommel horse routine.  He concludes his number with something that can only be called a spinning upside down Biellmann (figure skating fans can conjure that image).

The effervescent Marcy Richardson rides a crescent moon while singing an operetta version of Oasis’ “Champagne Supernova.”  In the air she will continually change body positions and ask her appreciative audience “where were you when we were getting high?”  Nutcracker Rouge is, first and foremost, a party.

Each cast member shines in their moments in the spotlight.  Christine Flores plays the ballet’s grown up Marie Claire (Clara) character in this production.  She will explore many of her adult fantasies throughout the evening.  The heady mix of styles and genres allows her to “Chew Chew Chew (Your Bubblegum)” and also dance a fine Sugar Plum Pas de Deux with Nicholas Katen.

As always, the creative elements are mesmerizing.  Costumes are relentlessly sexy, appropriately scandalous and hilariously cheeky (in more ways than one).  The lighting design bathes the stage and the performers in a glow which suggests a dream cabaret.  The athleticism and artistry of these talented individuals are top notch.  The holiday may be represented in the theme but this burlesque is a celebration of the human body and its abilities.

There is a lot of competition for your holiday entertainment dollar each and every holiday season.  Last year I finally returned to see the Radio City Music Hall’s Christmas Spectacular.  If that show is indeed spectacular, then Nutcracker Rouge is certainly fantastique.  From my seat, these recurring productions are essential New York holiday viewing.

The Nutcracker Rouge will be performed in Company XIV’s Bushwick location until January 26, 2020.  The show’s promotional video trailer can be seen here: youtubetrailer




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