POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive

The screamingly hilarious POTUS is subtitled “Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive.”  This feminist farcical rant bamboozles the patriarchal pigs who rise to power.  Clearly the misogynistic buffoon numbered 45 was one inspiration for Selina Fillinger’s Broadway debut.

There are certainly whispers of other shockingly incompetent men who have occupied the White House.  Thankfully the President is a major character but not one on stage.  This comedy focuses on the women behind the scenes who keep him on track or at least from self-implosion.  All of them are presented as smarter than him.  There’s a nice underpinning theme which questions why the more intelligent lurk in the background.

The first word spoken in the play is “cunt”.   First thing in the morning the President was making a speech.  He incorrectly thought the First Lady was not in the room.  He explained her absence to the assembled dignitaries and reporters that his wife was having a “cunty morning”.  Julie White is the Chief of Staff and her day begins with crisis control.  She is knock down funny as she manages the escalating dramas of the day.

Suzy Nakamura is the beleaguered Press Secretary required to face the onslaught and spin the spin.  Vanessa Williams is the tough as nails, thick skinned First Lady.  I saw the false sincerity of Nancy Reagan, the political savvy of Barbara Bush and the unctuous fakeness of Elizabeth Dole.  Ms. Williams is fantastic in the part and avoiding her path is advisable.

Lilli Cooper winningly plays the newly divorced journalist from Time Magazine who recently had kids and is juggling career survival as a mom who must pump her breasts all day long.  Rachel Dratch is the President’s Press Secretary.  She is described as a “menopausal toddler”.  She speaks five languages and fears for her job security.  This role requires massive amounts of inane physical comedy and Ms. Dratch beautifully underplays the over-the-top hijinks.  As a result, she steals scenes left and right.  Hard to do in this crowd of skilled actresses.

As the President’s criminal, imprisoned, very butch sister, Lea Delaria shows up for a little pardon action.  She cannot predict the actions which will unfold on this particular day but she will relish in the proceedings.  And make us laugh hard.

Finally, and spectacularly, Julianne Hough arrives as an unknown “woke powderpuff” vomiting blue slushies in the bathroom.  I will not spoil the surprise and let you find out why she has shown up.  It is not a far-fetched scenario given the morals of the men who frequently inhabit the office.  Ms. Hough is insanely good as Bernadette.  I would have added her name to the Tony nominations for Ms. White and Ms. Dratch.  She’s that terrific.

The wildly uneven Director Susan Stroman shoots a bullseye here.  The audience laughed gleefully through the ever increasing madness.  Beowulf Boritt’s turntable set is joyfully unhinged as one White House room after another is revealed and re-revealed.  This play is simply great fun and the cast is excellent across the board.

The liberal leaning audience ate up the many zingers such as “trickle down economics are the worst!”  Jokes fly frequently and also hit at truths.  “The only reason we invited Bahrain is to show we give a shit about small Arab countries”.  This play is not political per se unless you believe that women are treated as equals in America.  Roe vs. Wade, anyone?

POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive is running at the Shubert Theatre on Broadway through August 14, 2022.


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