Springsteen on Broadway

Important background information required to put this review in context.  I was born in New Jersey and was in middle school when Born to Run was released.  Bruuuuuce was listened to and worshipped.  I saw two different tours, The River (1981, South Bend, IN – Go Irish!) and The Rising (2002, Madison Square Garden, NYC).  Along with the E Street Band, Bruce Springsteen was one of the greatest, most entertaining rock concert performers I have ever seen.  To be clear, I would put myself in the category of general fan.  I don’t travel in the online circles that discuss the playlists at every single performance.  That is the level of intense devotion and huge expectations for those lucky to have tickets for Springsteen on Broadway.

If you come to this show expecting genius, you will be rewarded.  If you come expecting a feel good sing-a-long concert while you continually keep trying to swig white wine out of a long ago drained plastic cup (seat next to me), then you might not get the experience you imagined.

Springsteen on Broadway is EXACTLY what the title promises.  Bruce Springsteen not as he would be in an arena but in a musical he wrote and directed.  At 68 years old, it is a career retrospective for sure but intimately rendered in exquisitely detailed, poetic storytelling.  Yes he performs his music but it’s the book of this show that is spellbinding.  He covers everything from personal relationships to career development to the symbolic tree in his front lawn as a child.  All of this is riveting, gorgeously written and exceptionally performed.

Mr. Springsteen elevated his brand of rock n’ roll to the top of the music business.  In this production, he has now elevated himself into some kind of philosophical priest (perhaps a nod to the Catholic upbringing).  What really struck me was how he has transformed the depth of book writing for a Broadway jukebox musical.  This show is not a piece of throwaway fluff like Summer:  The Donna Summer Musical.  Instead the show is a solo piece by one of the most thoughtful, open, imperfect, real and talented musicians ever.

I can imagine this solo piece working for other actors in the future, the monologues are that good.  It will be impossible for me to ever hear Born in the USA the same way again.  Having seen Bruce himself make this scripted affair sound like casual off-the-cuff conversation is a testament to the brilliant staging.  Springsteen on Broadway is a very, very, very expensive ticket.  Isn’t it nice that the show exceeds expectations on every level?



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