The Lost Supper

Sleep No More has been mesmerizing audiences in The McKittrick Hotel for a seemingly neverending run.  That immersive piece is a multi-floor mash up of Macbeth and Alfred Hitchcock’s Rebecca.  Follow a character or wander aimlessly through rooms, it’s your call.  Other special events are presented such as this year’s Flight, the personalized diorama of the immigrant crisis.  The brand new entertainment is called The Lost Supper, billed as “An Unlocked Room.  An Enigmatic Hostess.  Titillating Performances and Tantalizing Fare.”

Chic, surreal or festive attire is encouraged, darlings.  I use the word darling since the welcome email I received before attending was addressed to “My Darling.”  You already know whether this entertainment will be your cup of tea.  For the young woman sitting at our table sporting her stylish hat of black feathers with her husband in a bowler, the answer is most definitely yes.  For the man at another table in khakis and a sky blue t-shirt who was checking his phone a lot… well, not so much.  For me, definitely yes.

Like all performances I’ve attended here, this one is hyper-stylized from lighting to costuming.  This one, however, incorporates food as part of the show (you get an appetizer and entrée choice).  Think surrealistic dinner party interspersed with period songs or creatively executed performance pieces.  What period?  With pantomime this smile inducing, who cares?  The food is fine, the environment is the real draw.  One waiter/performer recognized me as Iron Jaw Joe, the famous boxer.  Six tables of ten means there is a nice performer to diner ratio.  But not if you’re the t-shirt guy.  For everyone else, a tantalizing supper to remember.


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