Unfolding (The Tank)

Various shades of white with light tan accents are illuminated when you take a seat at The Tank.  There is a tree.  Three very large triangles.  Do they represent sails?  The ocean?  Additional material on the floor covers the width of the stage.  Is this paper?  Linen?  The imagery is dreamy and serene.  Are we looking at a diorama? A frozen landscape?  This mystical fairytale will incorporate travel.  A tale of one woman’s journey through life will be Unfolding.

Margarita Blush conceived and directed this visually splendid story.  Three women (also dressed in white) narrate this wordless show using moving performance and puppetry.  As manipulated, the hand crafted puppets are beautifully rendered, expressive individuals.  They walk and climb trees.  Exquisite shadow imagery fills in meticulous details.  The ambience is timeless and magical.

A woman’s life will unfold before your eyes from birth to the inevitable.  Along the way, she will grow and learn and love.  Her hair will change styles.  So many details are rendered through this extraordinarily fine storytelling.  This show has both a romantic sensibility and a playful wittiness.  Recognizable moments provide happy laughs.

As we travel with this woman through life, all types of unfolding occurs.  A life unfolds and becomes more expansive.  The material onstage unfolds to reveal delightful surprises.  This woman unfolds and her life transforms before our eyes.  The levels of wonderment produced by this artistic team never cease to amaze.

Dimitar Dimitrov and Petia Dimitrova created and designed the set and puppets.  Their spectral aesthetic pairs seamlessly with this enchanting celebration of the gift of life.  Amir Khosrowpour composed the compellingly simple yet lushly evocative music which gorgeously underscores a truly magical tale.  Puppetry is alive and well all over New York City these days.  Unfolding is a joyous example of this fine artistry.

The Tank is an arts incubator that presents over 800 performances annually on its two stages.  With free performance space, artists such as these can have an outlet to express their creative visions.  Usually the works are unique.  Often the works are memorable.  Occasionally they are magical.  Always they are worthwhile in support of the many talented artists looking to develop and share their vision.

With Unfolding, that vision is superbly realized and a captivating experience.


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